

Shaman are versatile magic-based characters with the capability to deal impressive damage with offensive spells while also strengthening themselves and their allies with invaluable support skills. With their unique abilities, a shaman can be indispensable in group play and also can take on challenges alone, if they so wish.

Shaman Render (M).png


Shamans are generally only very strong in general PvP. They have enormously important buffs and are highly recommended in general PvP due to the damage caused by the bells / fans.

Accordingly, the chances against other classes in duels are very low.

Healing Force skill (suggestion)
VIT= 90
INT= 90
STR= 61
DEX= 90

Dragon Force skill (suggestion)
VIT= 90
INT= 90
STR= 90
DEX= 61


Healing Force and Dragon Force.